Zoo Map

Where are our animals
- Animals of Africa
- Animals of Asia
- Birds
- Mammals
- Animals of Australia
- Animals of the Drylands
- Birds
- Mammals
- Animals of South America
- Elephants of Asia
- Mammals
- Rainforest of the Americas
- Amphibians
- Birds
- Fish
- Mammals
- Reptiles
- The LAIR
- Amphibians
- Reptiles
- Armenian Viper
- Baja Ratsnake
- Boyd’s Forest Dragon
- Butaan (Gray’s Monitor)
- California Desert Tortoise
- California Kingsnake
- Cape Cobra
- Chuckwalla
- European Long-nosed Viper
- Fiji Island Banded Iguana
- Fly River Turtle
- Gaboon Viper
- Gila Monster
- Gopher Snake
- Green Mamba
- Green Tree Python
- Grey-banded Kingsnake
- Indian Gharial
- Madagascar Giant Day Gecko
- Mangrove Pit Viper
- Mangshan Pit Viper
- Merten’s Water Monitor
- Mexican Beaded Lizard
- Painted Terrapin
- Rattlesnakes
- Rosy Boa
- Rough-Scaled Python
- Saharan Horned Viper
- South American Bushmaster
- Temple Viper
- Tomistoma (False Gharial)
- Orangutan & Gorilla
- Aviary
- Children’s Zoo
- Amphibians
- Mammals
- Entry Promenade
- Mammals
- Reptiles
The Los Angeles Zoo is closely monitoring the development of zoonotic diseases in the United States. For the health and welfare of the animals in our care, some habitats and experiences will remain closed or have restricted access to ensure physical distancing. The majority of animal exhibits will be accessible to guests.