Zoo-m In, Summer 2021

Western lowland gorilla youngster Angela photographed by GLAZA member Arthur Bohlmann

PHOTO OF THE SUMMER: Patience Pays Off

When making the rounds at the Zoo, Greater Los Angeles Zoo Association member Arthur Bohlmann has a few must-see stops: the painted dogs (his favorites), the Indian gharials, and the Western lowland gorillas. His advice for other photographers is to visit often. “Some of my best photos took me several trips, photographing the same animal to get a once-in-a-lifetime shot.” Such is the story behind this portrait of gorilla Angela in a pensive pose.

“Her mother put her down for an instant, and fortunately I was following her through my lens—waiting for this moment,” Bohlmann says. “Please thank her for me!”



To be considered for inclusion in future installments of Zoom-In, which is a regular feature in our premium member magazine Zoo View, submit your best images taken at the L.A. Zoo. No more than two images per GLAZA member per month, please. Include your name in the file name for each photograph (e.g., Giraffe-John Smith). Do not send images that include people unless you will be able to provide a signed release from all parties pictured in the event your photo is selected for publication. If there’s a special story behind the photo, let us know!

Submit photos by email at photos@lazoo.org.

This story was originally published in the Summer 2021 issue of Zoo View, our premium member magazine. Not a member? Explore all the benefits of membership and join here.