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Zoo Update with Zoo Director and CEO Denise M. Verret

Extreme close-up on a dark purple crab with light purple claws and bright yellow eyes.
Happy Halloween from our resident vampire crabs. See their spooky yellow eyes up close in the LAIR, but be prepared to squint; these crustaceans are tiny. Photo by Jamie Pham

As we welcome the month of October, I’m reminded of the beauty of autumn—the season of change, transition, and reflection. Just as the season turns and offers relief from the summer heat, we at the Los Angeles Zoo are experiencing some exciting changes as well.

The end of summer brings with it a sense of excitement and anticipation, as our young visitors and paid interns return to school, bringing their stories from summer camps and Zoo programing back to their classrooms. It’s a time when we can embrace new beginnings and look forward to the myriad of seasonal activities we have planned for our members and guests.

The return of our annual Boo at the L.A. Zoo Halloween celebration is right around the corner. This beloved event promises to be a delightful experience for all ages, featuring trick-or-treating, an extinct animal graveyard, educational activities, and costumed characters. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, and I am personally excited to see the Zoo filled with guests who have put their personalities on display through creative costumes. And of course, our owls, vultures, vipers, and other animals that embody the season will be here to greet everyone.

In addition to Halloween, we will honor the beautiful traditions of Día de los Muertos. This cultural tradition allows us to uplift the Hispanic community and honor the memories of those who have passed. Join us in appreciating the rich heritage that this event brings. This will be the fourth year of our partnership with Plaza de la Raza, which features the Beloved Pets Ofrenda; a traditional ofrenda altar set up in the Zoo’s entrance plaza where everyone is invited to remember past animal friends that have shared our lives and brought us joy.

In this season of transformation and new beginnings, I am particularly excited to share two exhibits that will be opening very soon, marking a significant milestone in our ongoing journey. The Cape vulture exhibit is a shining example of our dedication to vulture conservation. In the coming weeks, Zoo visitors will once again be able to observe the majesty of Cape vultures in their new home. This transformative project involved the complete remodel of the former Nubian ibex exhibit, and it’s a testament to the hard work and collaboration of our construction, sustainability, grounds, animal care, veterinary, and learning and engagement teams. This exhibit not only highlights the Los Angeles Zoo’s participation in the African Vulture Saving Animals from Extinction (SAFE) conservation program, operated by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), but also serves as a critical platform for educating our community about the vital role vultures play in their wild range.

In addition, we are proud to unveil the refurbished Swan Lake, home to our graceful trumpeter swans. As one of the first exhibits you encounter upon entering the main Zoo, this upgrade is particularly special. It symbolizes our commitment to providing exceptional habitats that enhance the well-being of our animals and create unforgettable experiences for our guests. As swans migrate south for the winter, the swans of the Los Angeles Zoo will have a refreshed home here in Southern California. I am thrilled to welcome everyone back to see a fresh, vibrant space that truly reflects our ongoing evolution and commitment to the animals in our care. As we embrace these seasonal activities and new experiences, I encourage you to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of nature around you—including right here at the Los Angeles Zoo. We take pride in our ongoing commitment to animal wellbeing, conservation and community engagement. We remain steadfast in our mission to create a just and sustainable world where people and wildlife thrive, together.

Denise M. Verret, Zoo Director
Denise M. Verret, Zoo Director and CEO