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Make a Donation

Make a donation today! Your tax-deductible donation will have a direct impact on the thousands of animals at the Zoo, their counterparts in the wild, and the communities we serve. 

Tribute and Memorial Gifts: When making your donation online, click the “I would like to dedicate this gift” box. Honorees will receive notification of the gift via a card in the mail ($25 minimum donation) or an emailed certificate (any donation amount).

For more info: contact (323) 486-4253 / npoveda@lazoo.org.

Unrestricted gifts: Gifts to GLAZA support membership, volunteer programs, marketing, publications, and restricted fundraising for conservation, Learning & Engagement, capital projects, and animal health and welfare.

Connect: In this living institution, you can experience the diversity and mystery of a larger world. Here you learn about exotic animals you may have only read of-their lives and habits, as well as their threatened existence. Here, we strive to save endangered creatures. Here we provide the context for understanding the interconnectedness of all living things, and, ultimately learn what it is to be human.

Imagine: The Zoo occupies a unique place in the culture of our city. It introduces a slice of nature at its wildest and often most exotic into our urban setting. It allows us to see, smell and feel the presence of animals both large and small, majestic and delicate, vulnerable or even near extinction. When you hear the roar of a lion, or the beautiful vocalizations of the gibbons, or the piercing squeals of the giant river otters, for a brief moment you can imagine what it might be like in their natural habitats.

Give: By making a gift to support the Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens, you become an active participant in providing a secure future for a wondrous variety of life.