Red Ape Rain Forest
The most arboreal of the apes, orangutans spend most of their time off the ground in the wild. More than 25 feet high at its apex, Red Ape Rain Forest was designed to take full advantage of its vertical space. Elevated platforms, fire-hose hammocks, bridges, vines, and other structures offer ample opportunities for the orangutans to climb, explore, or simply hang out and enjoy the view from above. A flowing stream adds ambiance while also providing drinking water and a cooling-off pool for the apes.

Fast Facts
- The 250-foot-long tent-like enclosure connects to both ends of the apes’ sleeping quarters and is subdivided into three sections, allowing groups to be separated when needed.
- An observation deck winds through the immersive exhibit and under an aerial pathway that allows the apes to move from one section to the next.
- A large glass viewing area allows for face-to-face interactions.
- The state-of-the-art holding facility includes six heated night rooms and a large mesh-roofed playroom.