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Statement from the Los Angeles Zoo on Social and Racial Justice, Inclusion, and Equity

The Los Angeles Zoo is committed to being a dedicated resource for our City, so when we see and feel Angelenos angry, confused, and in pain, we know we owe it to our community to speak up. The death of George Floyd and many others has sparked a collective movement across the nation that has citizens loudly proclaiming for justice and bravely documenting truths that are long overdue to be acknowledged, addressed, and swiftly rectified. The Los Angeles Zoo is recommitting itself to being a place of recreation and discovery where everyone is seen, heard, represented, and respected. So today, we aim to amplify your voices and share your message: Black Lives Matter.

The Los Angeles Zoo envisions a world where all people respect, value, and conserve wildlife and wild places. That vision says “all people,” so to achieve it we must create a world where black people are safe and welcomed in our communities, our Zoo, in nature, and in the field of conservation. We will use our voice to stand for truth, to speak out in our workplace and our community to help cultivate a culture of diversity and inclusion that recognizes and celebrates the inherent value in each person regardless of age, race, religion, and sexual identity.

We cannot afford to do nothing, or not say something, as that will allow racial injustice to continue to triumph, and this is unacceptable.  We must end racism today, right now, and be willing to have honest and uncomfortable conversations that will lead to constructive solutions and equity, compassion, and empathy for all.

The City of Los Angeles is strong, and we stand strong with you.